As a fast-track new construction build-out, this project required specific attention to concrete moisture mitigation related to vapor emissions and floor preparation.
Filing a Construction Complaint is the last thing anyone involved wants to think about after completion of — or worse yet — during the project. As with all trade work, expectations and performance in workmanship and materials can be challenging and have different meanings for the different stakeholders of each job.
To commercial and residential building owners, water damage from interior leaks is an out-of-sight, out-of-mind problem until they see evidence such as a water spot on a ceiling.
Schönox HPS North America, Inc. offers technical training and seminars that provide opportunities to learn about the full range of their products, installation tips, and subfloor preparation details.
In response to the changing business environment as a result of COVID-19, the National Wood Flooring Association has launched LiveEdge, a free professional development platform offering concise, focused, and interactive content for wood flooring professionals.
DriTac 5900 MegaBond is a premium grade, “green” resilient flooring adhesive that has been specially formulated to help minimize vinyl plank shrinkage.
Moisture-related flooring failures continue to be one of the biggest headaches on the job, resulting in commercial property owners spending well over $1 billion annually on moisture remediation and subsequent flooring replacement.