MDNVAFCA sent an email to all their members regarding a compliance update.
Their lobbyist in Annapolis Bruce Bereano sent the following message to the Legislative committee recently:
"Please be advised that this morning in the House Economic Matters Committee the sponsor of House Bill 735 – Labor and Employment - Maryland Earned Sick and Safe Leave Act, withdrew the bill which means that the sick leave legislation issue is dead and finished for this session. I wanted you to know about this immediately."
The MDNVAFCA added:
"As you know we recently reached out to our members to contact their legislators either by phone or email sharing your concerns with this Bill. In addition both Association President Christopher Adams and Legislative Committee member Kathy Sibbald testified at both the House and Senate hearings on this matter under National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) state director Ellen Valentino.
As such your Association played an important and dynamic role alongside many other stakeholders to share our concerns with our elected officials. We thank everyone who contacted their Legislator on this matter."