FCICA, the Flooring Contractors Association, in cooperation with Ardex America and nora systems recently awarded the first Bruce Newbrough Memorial Certified Installation Manager Program (CIM) Scholarship for 2017 to Mike Ellena from Hiller Commercial Floors in Rochester, Minn.
When asked why he wanted to become a Certified Installation Manager, Ellena said,” I value the importance of the right product, substrate preparation, and correct installation for whomever it may concern. I have been around flooring since 1998 and find a special pride involved with it. I want to be a CIM because I believe GC’s, Supervisors, and Owners will better value any input I may have in regards to prep, product, and timelines.”
This scholarship, created in remembrance of Bruce Newbrough from Ardex Americas, provides for the entire program costs associated with the Certified Installation Manager (CIM) Program including application, content, and assessment fees. Scholarship applications are accepted throughout the year, and the next scholarship opportunity will open in June.
For more information, call (877) 863-2422 or www.fcica.com.