These styles are influenced by the traditional kimono that integrates a variety of textiles and textures to create a single garb, in addition to the Kasuri technique that uses fibers specifically dyed to create unique patterns.
For more than 25 years, GoodWeave, a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending child labor in global supply chains, has worked with the rug and textile industry to meet the requirements of the GoodWeave Standard and labor laws related to child, forced and bonded labor.
ANSI/IICRC S100 describes the procedures, methods, and systems to be followed when performing professional commercial and residential textile floor coverings (e.g., carpet and rugs) maintenance and cleaning.
People have been spending a lot of time in their homes over the last few months and this has led to an increased desire for home improvements. One of those areas of increase demand is garage floors.
The IICRC S100 standard describes the procedures, methods, and systems to be followed when performing professional commercial and residential textile floor coverings (e.g., carpet and rugs) maintenance and cleaning.
Pharr, a diversified provider of differentiated textile products and assorted real estate businesses, recently closed the sale of Pharr High Performance to Coats Group plc (Coats) under an agreement announced in November 2019.