The challenges the industry faced last year, and the ones it now faces, are tied part and parcel to the two questions posed in this column’s headline. How each of us views and acts upon them could very well spell the difference between a great year and a year of stumbling -— perhaps even defeat. The answers are found in two of the many management/business principles set forth by the world-renowned Peter Drucker.
It was billed as a "Moisture in Concrete Seminar," sponsored by the Greater New York Floor Coverers Association/Industry Promotional Fund. A star-studded panel played to a packed house that brought together in one place (a first) a large number of floor covering contractors, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, architects, and designers. The message: it's time for all of us to communicate with each other.
In this rapidly changing industry, the need to be aware of the trends has never been more important. To help you get a better handle on things, NFT picked the brains of numerous retailers, contractors and distributors. In a special study, we asked them to share what they consider to be the significant trends.
Wood flooring continues to grow in importance for profit-minded retailers and contractors. In fact, it is one of their most important and profitable products.
Frankly, I'm tired of hearing, "It's really tough out there." I'm tired of hearing that "floor covering opportunities suck." I'm tired of the mainstream media, which seem to consider it a sin to point out bright economic spots and opt instead to put a negative spin on positive news with comments like: "Of course, many economists feel this bubble could burst down the line."
Wow! What a magnificent move on the part of the WFCA. So many, for so long, have talked about establishing enhanced training and a certification program for floor covering retailers.
Was April's first annual National Floor Covering Month everything we really wished for? No, but it was successful enough to assure that it will be repeated next year and for many years to come.