During the course of my nearly 22 years of writing and reporting for this industry, I’ve been to countless residential and commercial trade shows, conventions, meetings, etc., not to mention on a daily basis being able to communicate with people throughout the country from every level and sector of the industry.
Most years I attend both the winter and summer Carpet One conventions, which, by the way, are extremely well produced affairs that rival the production of anything that the people in Hollywood can put together.
I’ve been writing for the trade press for nearly 30 years and never noticed during this time the most important element of selling is used in almost every human interaction.
Just about any retail sales trainer I’ve ever listened to will tell you to greet your customers at the door and never leave their side until they buy or walk away.
Business in our core market of Atlanta has been robust for the last several years, and the pipeline of projects continue to look strong well into 2016.
If this title did not grab your immediate attention, it should have. It’s a dangerous mindset, but ignoring instructions is also one of the first shortcuts people in a hurry take.
Do you remember when the flooring industry went through the big controversy about whether to switch the sales of carpet and vinyl from being sold by the square yard to being sold by the square foot?