While there is no denying many manufacturers—both large and small—have taken to selling and delivering products direct to the retailer, and consolidation has made it difficult at times to figure out which distributor is which, the fact remains wholesalers still play a vital role in helping the specialty dealer and contractor succeed.
Choosing and installing the correct commercial floor covering can be a detailed and complicated process that necessarily looks beyond aesthetic preference and examines every aspect of the installation, beginning with the substrate and its condition and ending with the required maintenance regimen once the flooring is installed.
Technically proficient and well-organized, the company had evolved from two independent commercial flooring companies—D. S. Baxley of Livermore and Preston-Borg of Milpitas, Calif.
In the past year my wife Anne and I have been taking steps to build a new home. This house will be built on a lot we own right next-door to our existing home overlooking Lake Loveland in Colorado.
When it comes to the green movement, at least within the building industry, there is no argument environmentally friendly companies and sustainable products will win out over those that aren’t.
For more than three decades, hockey goalies didn’t wear masks because they weren’t considered tough enough if they did. You have to wonder, what were they thinking?
While wood floors are built to withstand the abuse of foot traffic and furniture, humidity is an invisible enemy that can quickly wreak havoc on even the best surfaces.