We had an opportunity to talk with Darrel Harris, CEO of Xpress Global Systems, a carrier that specializes in the transportation of both hard and soft surface floor coverings throughout the country, to see how transportation within the industry is advancing.
Are your numbers growing this year? If so, Beaulieu says to, “stop sleeping and start worrying because it’s likely that you’ll just not see the train coming.”
Stalls are by far the most difficult yet reoccurring element in finalizing a sale. Unfortunately, very few salespeople know how to handle these exasperating stalls and customers know it!
NFI Enterprises is a commercial flooring business that is committed to an aggressive growth plan in the Seattle market. The foundation of NFI Enterprises began in 1977, when my father, Gary Brown, started working with his uncle in the industry.
One of the topics we touched on with TalkFloor interviews is technology and specifically the importance of developing a quality website that captivates consumers and drives them to a retailer’s store.
Most people will agree that buildings experience significant movement on a day-to-day basis. Accommodating this movement is crucial for a successful installation of ceramic, porcelain and/or glass tile.
FCIF is dedicated to financially assisting those who are or have been affiliated with the floor covering industry who experience catastrophic illnesses, severe disabilities, or other life-altering hardships.