No matter the category, technology has been playing a major role in the types of products manufacturers are able to produce, and the tile industry is no different. In fact, many would argue there’s a technological revolution taking place in the category—some would call it an evolution—as companies are creating products with looks and textures never before seen.
There was a time when the typical floor tile used in the U.S. was under a foot. Today, a 12-inch tile is considered small, as Americans have discovered the unique styling attributes of large format tiles.
Oils and waxes have been used to protect natural materials from the effects of the environment—light, water, cats, etc.—in buildings and building materials for as long as such things have existed.
While I admit the title of this column may seem a bit strange to our readers in Southern California and the Southwest, for everyone else around the country who has experienced a cold, snowy, miserable winter, you’ll understand.