In celebration of its upcoming 75th anniversary, Couristan will launch a new television ad campaign featuring an assortment of the company's power-loomed and handmade area rugs in various family-oriented lifestyle settings.
Domco has added to its Natural Wonders Collection the all-new Natur-all resilient sheet line. Designed to replicate the appearance of natural surfaces, Natura-all combines chemical and mechanical embossing processes with the low-gloss PVC Gemglaze wearlayer to create its unusual texture.
Ilva SA recently introduced its Indian Rock series, a PEI IV-rated glazed ceramic tile collection designed to capture the rustic look of natural stone.
Laticrete International has introduced sample swatches of the four waterproofing and anti-fracture membrane products that make up its Tile and Stone Insurance Center offerings.
N-C Carpet Binding & Equipment Corp. has released a new bobbinless portable carpet binder engineered to bind, at a rate of approximately 22 feet per minute, thousands of linear feet without stopping for bobbin replacements.