N-C Carpet Binding & Equipment Corp. has released a new bobbinless portable carpet binder engineered to bind, at a rate of approximately 22 feet per minute, thousands of linear feet without stopping for bobbin replacements.
Mannington’s 85-year history is documented in a hardcover, 105-page book filled with images dating back to the early 1920s and the story of the company’s inception dating back even further.
Perma-Tech Inc. will make its line of industrial spray equipment available to contractors, marking the first time that the company has offered this equipment for lease or purchase outside of an exclusive Perma-Tech authorized contractor agreement.
Amtico’s African Slate resilient tile captures the elegance and durability of natural stone with colors that reflect richness and warmth, the company says.
Through a joint partnership, Wayn-Tex Inc. and Colbond Nonwovens have produced Stabilok, a combination of woven and nonwoven primary carpet backings designed to prevent side-match problems in patterned graphics carpet.