Mapei is proud to announce that SCS Global Services has issued its Indoor Advantage Gold certification for indoor air quality for over 255 of Mapei’s products (in the USA) for low VOC emissions in various categories including architectural coatings, sealants and adhesives.
Grout has a specific function and when used correctly, it does a great job. Unfortunately, too many tile placers seem to be unclear where grout is to be used and where it should not to be used.
Recently during a CTEF Educational Program, an installation manager for a large company complained that installing movement (expansion) joints in any application is a pain in the butt.
Arsenal Capital, the primary shareholder of South Bend-based Royal Adhesives & Sealants, announced Wednesday that it has completed the purchase of ADCO Global.
ARDEX Americas introduces ARDEX CA 20 P Multi-Purpose Construction Adhesive and Sealant, a one-component, modified silane, polymer adhesive and neutral curing sealant.