Josh Young joins WFCA to strengthen relationships with its existing 10,000-plus members to better understand their unique needs and to increase engagement and participation within the association and its programs.
The Made Smarter. Live Better. program was developed to help retailers explain how Shaw’s flooring products can address consumer desires to live or work in a space that supports their wellbeing.
The 2021 collection will consist of 12 new products featuring multiple constructions, stylings and colorations designed to target the premium segment of the market.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Vance Bell and Tim Baucom of Shaw Industries in March just as the two announced their leadership transition. What struck me about this interview—and the commentary I’ve heard from other leaders this month—is the overall mood of positivity.
Välinge Innovation announced that several US distributors have signed up to offer their Välinge Flooring Hardened Wood Floor collection across North America.
The survey found Armstrong Flooring voted as the top flooring brand across three categories: Brand Familiarity, Brands Used in the Past 2 Years, and Highest Overall Quality Rating.