Beginning March 1, IVC US plans to upgrade its 24-hours a day, six days a week fiberglass sheet vinyl manufacturing operations to 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

“The fact that we are able to fully utilize our investment just three years after our startup to elevate our manufacturing operations to a 24/7 model I believe speaks volumes,” said Xavier Steyaert, co-CEO, IVC US. “This could not have been accomplished without the meticulous dedication from our operations and manufacturing management teams and the tireless work and commitment from our entire IVC US staff.”

IVC US currently supplies the entire North American market with its fiberglass sheet vinyl. The plant, headquartered in Dalton, boasts the longest sheet vinyl line in the world and the most advanced technology and machinery available. Its operational excellence allows IVC US to offer products with more features than competing products at the same price points, which enables higher margins to IVC US customers; thus making fiberglass sheet vinyl a very profitable and still growing product category.

“We challenge ourselves daily to maintain the high level of optimal manufacturing performance that enables us to produce the best resilient fiberglass sheet vinyl on the market,” said Andrew Kearton, vice president of manufacturing, IVC US. “This standard principle and work ethic has greatly contributed to our current success and in our confidence to move forward in manufacturing our sheet vinyl 24-hours a day, seven days a week.”