Leonardo Academy announces a two-part webinar September 18 and 25, 2013 to illustrate the uses of the draft standard, Type III Life-Cycle Impact Profile Declarations for Products, Services and Systems (LEO-SCS-002), currently being developed under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process. Since the completion of the ISO 14040-series standards, life cycle assessment practitioners have used a variety of approaches to conduct Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), the critical phase during which the resources, land, emissions and wastes associated with a material or product are linked to environmental impacts. These evaluations have often been limited to a few categories of potential impacts. However, advances in the availability and analysis of environmental data have made it possible to strengthen LCIA for greater transparency.
The draft LEO-SCS-002 standard offers a diagnostic tool that is significantly more complete than conventional approaches. This tool also provides the ability to make comparisons between materials and products at a new level of transparency, in conformance with the rigorous comparative assertion requirements of the ISO standards.
During this two-part webinar, you will learn about the LEO-SCS-002 methodology and its applications, implications, and limitations. To register: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/180566410.
Part 1 – September 18, 2013 10-11:30 a.m. Pacific Time / 12-1:30 Central / 1-2:30 Eastern: Provides an overview of why LCIA methods need to be improved and then summarizes the key features of the new draft standard that address these issues. It will then focus on the LEO-SCS-002 approach for the characterization of land use ecosystem impact group, net resource depletion and climate impacts associated with both materials on a site-specific basis. Examples from wood resource extraction and iron ore mining will illustrate how the methodology can characterize the key drivers for variability in these impact categories for wood and steel construction products.
Part 2 – September 25, 2013 10-11:30 a.m. Pacific Time / 12-1:30 Central / 1-2:30 Eastern: Addresses the characterization of all core impact categories and category indicators associated with both wood and steel construction products, then discusses how results can help clarify the advantages and trade-offs between the lifecycle impact profiles of competing wood and steel materials and products. This webinar will present examples of variability of category indicator results for both steel and wood products that are dependent upon the region, specific processes and country of origin.
Who Should Attend: LCA scientists and practitioners; environmental organizations and product buyers; product and material manufacturers; and anyone interested in Life Cycle Impact Assessment.
The moderator for the webinar series will be Scott Lesnet, ES Manager, HNI Corporation. HNI Corporation is the second largest office furniture manufacturer and the largest hearth manufacturer in the United States. Scott’s background in chemistry and engineering lead to his current position as environmental manager for HNI Corporation in 1988. Since that time he has sought the best metrics quantifying the environmental impacts of products and manufacturing processes. Scott was recognized by USEPA for his contribution to national standards for emissions from wood furniture surface coating operations and is currently active in a number of consensus standard workgroups including the LEO-SCS 002 committee.