Because slip-and-fall accidents are of heightened concern today, cleaning professionals must take added measures to ensure that the floors they maintain are safe and slip-resistant.
However, sometimes it is difficult to figure out exactly why a floor may be slippery.
Because of this, this month’s Powr-Flite Floor Care Troubleshooter addresses some of these issues—including why floors may be slippery right after refinishing—along with possible solutions.
“The most common reason a floor may be slippery is that it simply has not been cleaned properly or as frequently as needed,” says Mike Englund, a professional cleaning trainer and product manager for Powr-Flite. “Many slip-and-fall hazards are eliminated just by properly cleaning the floor and using the right tools, chemicals, and equipment.”
According to Englund, some of the other causes of slippery floors and their solutions include:
· Wrong or inferior chemicals were used: The floor finish should always indicate that it is “slip resistant.” Further, use higher quality products. They may cost more, but are often well worth the investment.
· Too many or too few coats of finish were applied: Both situations can result in a slippery floor. Apply three or four coats and then test the floor for slip resistance.
· Oily or over-treated dust mop: Rinse or machine scrub the floor, then dust mop using non-oil dust mop treatments. Always apply dust mop treatments per label instructions.
· Soiled tools: Especially when refinishing a floor, tools such as mops and buckets should be thoroughly cleaned. Often, cleaning professionals use brand-new mops for floor refinishing, which is a very good idea. Coat the bucket with a fresh liner to make sure it is clean as well.
“In some cases, a slippery floor may need to be stripped and refinished,” adds Englund, “but, before going through all that trouble, machine scrub first. Oftentimes, this will remove any soiling or film on the floor that may be causing it to be slippery.”
The Powr-Flite Troubleshooter addresses some of the most common floor care problems cleaning professionals encounter … and, most importantly, how to tackle them.