The Post-Tensioning Knowledge Library, which represents the collected technical works of the Post-Tensioning Institute, is now available in print or searchable PDF format in one comprehensive, easy-to-use collection. The PT Knowledge Library includes 66 PTI publications, and is being offered at a discount of more than 50% off of each publication's individual list price. In addition, those who purchase the library will receive a 50% discount on all subsequent PTI publications for five years after the date of purchase.
The PTI Knowledge Library aims to combine PTI resources in a single place and simplify the process of locating and referencing PTI technical know-how when working on PT projects.
The Post-Tensioning Knowledge Library includes: Post-Tensioning Manual, Sixth Edition; Design and Construction Guides; Specifications; Certification Training Manuals; Technical Notes; FAQs; Past issues of the PTI JOURNAL; and Current Membership Directory.
The PTI Knowledge Library is available to PTI Members for $550 and the general public for $650 PTI to inquire about additional discounts for multiple-user licenses and for a hard copy/PDF combo.
Post-Tensioning Knowledge Library available
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