Of the many 21st century challenges facing purveyors of the printed word, none may be so pressing as the physics of space on the page. Few and far between are those of us who have not had a goodly amount of sharp, exciting content in one hand…and room for exactly half of it in the other.
Sacre bleu! What’s an editor to do? Fortunately, we have the solution.
A few short weeks from now, NFT will be unveiling a brand new website. Cleaner, slicker and smarter, the new format is more engaging, more interactive and, perhaps most important, much more user friendly. And what prompted this move? You asked for it, we answered; that’s what we do. NFT’s always been about delivering superior information for, on and about every facet of the floor covering industry; we’re also about making that information as accessible, digestible and informative as we possibly can.
Barring a technological meltdown, the new site should drop just in time for the Fourth of July. I’m excited to see it go live, and especially to hear your reactions. Whether you’re a frequent online visitor, an occasional lurker or a long-time-reader-first-time-browser, when the new www.ntlfloortrends.com launches, please let us know what you think.
Speaking of letting us know what you think…have you ever wanted to offer up your thoughts on what we’re doing – or what we might do better – with NFT, but never had the time? If you happen to be reading this while at NeoCon in Chicago and there’s a bone you’d like to pick, through June 12 you can hit me up at stoufferj@bnpmedia.com; I’d love to hear what you have to say, and the coffee’s on me.