The Federal Trade Commission has created a new label for Mohawk and DuPont’s PTT fiber, which was formerly recognized as polyester. The new subclass, triexta, aims to show that PTT and polyester “share little more than a similar chemical structure,” according to Mohawk. Mohawk’s SmartStrand carpets are made from triexta, which is marketed by DuPont under the trademark Sorona.

“We petitioned the FTC for reclassification because our retail partners told us that the current generic name was misleading to consumers and that retailers found it difficult to clearly communicate the benefits of this different and superior product when it fell into the same category as traditional polyester products,” said Jeff Lorberbaum, Mohawk’s chairman and CEO. “We are thrilled with the FTC’s ruling, particularly because of the business benefits it brings to our retailers. Carpets with triexta offer a true performance advantage to consumers.”

According to Mohawk, independent testing has confirmed that carpet made with triexta performs better than conventional polyester. The creation of the triexta subclass gives retailers the ability to emphasize and focus on the outstanding features and benefits of the product, instead of defending the negative perceptions sometimes accompanied with polyester, the company noted.

“This ruling is significant, if not historic, for our industry. This is the first extension that the FTC has approved for textiles in five years and the first extension for residential carpeting since nylon in June of 1959. This is truly an important moment for carpet and one that does not happen every day,” Mohawk said.