Surfaces 2004 will let floor covering professionals "come and be heard" at the new Town Hall, 7:30 to 9 a.m. Jan. 28 at the Venetian Hotel.

At the Town Hall, a panel of experts from a wide range of areas that affect day-to-day business will address attendees' questions and concerns on challenges in the industry. Panelists will include a retailer, manufacturer, distributor and residential construction and floor covering industry forecasters.

The 2004 Town Hall moderator will be K. Bruce Koepcke, president, New Horizons Marketing. Koepcke has been an active marketing consultant since 1990. Prior to that, he was a marketing manager for the DuPont Co. where he was awarded the distinguished "Marketing Excellence Award" for his work leading the Stainmaster Carpet marketing program.

Panelists will include David E. Polley, vice president marketing, The Dixie Group; Alan Braunstein, president, Worldwide Wholesale Floor Coverings; James Gould, chairman of the board, Misco Shawnee Inc.; Tom Jennings, CFE, president, Bud Jennings Carpet One, and chairman of the board, World Floor Covering Association; Stuart Hirschhorn, research director, Catalina Research; and Kermit Baker, senior research fellow, Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies.

To register, go to and click on the Register Now button at the top of the page. Check Town Hall as one of the Special Events you'd like to attend at Surfaces. Or telephone (800) 547-3477 or (972) 536-6400 to request a brochure.