Las Vegas pioneer distributor A.L. "Bud" Greenbaum, Jr. passed away after a long illness Jan. 31. He was 76 years old.
Born Aug. 28, 1928, in Los Angeles, Greenbaum was the son of A.L. Greenbaum, a distributor of metal moldings, plastic laminates and Hudee sink rings serving Southern California. After working for 14 years with his father, Greenbaum opened an installation supply distributorship in Las Vegas in 1963. In 1978, he opened a retail carpet operation, Cloud Carpets, which is still in existence.
A.L. Greenbaum Co. is now owned by Bud's brother, Dave, who also operates the David C. Greenbaum Co. in San Bernardino, Calif. Greenbaum leaves behind his wife of 32 years, Sharon; a son, Steven; a daughter, Susan; and two grandchildren.