Floorcloud, a technology platform developed and tested over the past two years to improve jobsite quality control, has been launched by Construction Connectivity, Inc. This solution helps contractors professionalize and protect their businesses by monitoring jobsite climate conditions in real-time, enabling them to immediately recognize issues as they occur. With Floorcloud, contractors easily record process steps and other important information by capturing photos, documenting key activities, assigning tasks and archiving it all securely within a cloud-based job file.
Floorcloud, consists of web-enabled mobile and desktop software, 4G cellular-connected climate sensors, and a proprietary product specification database of leading flooring industry brands.
“The platform was engineered to be remarkably intuitive for usage on virtually any type of flooring installation jobsite," said Scott Banda, the company’s co-founder and president. "As it scales across North America, it will continually save our industry hundreds of millions of dollars annually regarding avoidable failures."
The Floorcloud, platform is supported by industry-leading organizations such as Starnet, Fuse Alliance, FCI, INSTALL, National Wood Flooring Association and the National Tile Contractors Association. Using it, contractors now can create a project record, segment it into sectors, select sundry and finished flooring products from its database, monitor ambient conditions in real-time, and compare them all to manufacturers’ specifications. Alert notifications can be viewed instantly, down to the details of variance from specification, or by intuitive graphs of hourly temperature, humidity and dew point data. Additionally, all information gathered, including photos of batch codes, substrate and jobsite conditions... and tasks performed can be captured and easily shared with other stakeholders, optimizing communication and resolving issues as they occur.
For more information, visit floorcloud.com.