FloorFolio Industries announced the latest introduction of their patented EnviroQuiet 4.0 LVT.
“We are extremely proud of our newest introduction. This offers what all of our customers have been asking for; a non-acclimation, loose lay or glue down option, while still offering all the unique characteristics of EnviroQuiet,” says Michael Freedman, president and CEO of FloorFolio.
With a total gauge of 4mm, EnviroQuiet 4.0 provides end users the same singular installation but with advanced options. As a non-acclimation LVT with an integrated high-performance acoustical underlayment, EnviroQuiet 4.0 can be installed as a glue down product or a loose lay plank. The upgraded dimensional stability delivers noise reduction and absorption, all while contributing to IIC ratings and meeting code for multi-family, student housing, assisted living facilities and commercial spaces with wood truss systems. As the only product of its kind, EnviroQuiet 4.0 is reintroducing what it means to be a patented all-in-one sound and cost solution.
For additional information on EnviroQuiet 4.0, visit www.floorfolio.com