New Monmouth, N.J. -- Thinking of replacing worn-out floors this summer? Think again, According to SMART Carpet and Flooring, spring is actually the best time to replace flooring in your home or office.
"It's springtime in the Tri-State area, and there's no better season to replace tired and worn old flooring," said Brendan Phillips, SMART Carpet and Flooring founder and president. "It's easy to spend the winter saying you'll get to the home projects in the summer, but by getting an early start in the spring, homeowners can beat the summer rush and spend the warmer months entertaining instead of remodeling."
The SMART Carpet and Flooring team gave its top three reasons to replace floors this spring instead of waiting until summer:
- Flooring installation involves a considerable amount of foot traffic in and out of the home. In the spring, temperatures are no longer frigid—but neither are they sweltering. When outdoor temperatures are in that "just right" range, no one minds leaving doors open to accommodate tearing out the old floors and bringing in the new flooring materials.
- Although today's flooring generally doesn't outgas, some homeowners find they appreciate increased ventilation while they get used to the unfamiliar smell of new flooring. It's pleasant to open a window in the spring to let some fresh air in, but that's not always the case in stormy fall and winter weather or the more humid days of summer.
- Spring actually has the optimal flooring installation conditions. Because both temperature and humidity are milder in the spring, flooring--especially wood flooring--has a better chance to acclimate to the indoor environment.
Those conditions make spring the perfect time to add or replace flooring both indoors and outdoors, advises SMART Carpet and Flooring. Homeowners in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York who would like to get a jump on replacing their floors in the ideal spring conditions can call SMART Carpet and Flooring now to schedule an appointment with its flooring experts.
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