As promised, here are the last four things you need to do right now of the seven things you need to do:
- You will increase your inbound new customer calls from the Internet
by prominently placing your TOLL-FREE number on the page and giving them a
reason (and a promise) to call. If you call back within 60 minutes, tell them
that. If you answer the phone 24 hours a day and on weekends, tell them that. If
you have same-day service, tell them that. Anything that gets them to call.
#5 - Be sure your website is listed on Google Local, if not, add it for free!
#6 - If you spend money on advertising already, consider placing a geographically targeted ad on Google Adwords. By placing an ad locally, you get really cheap but effective advertising that is equal to, if not greater than, a simple Google Local listing.
#7 - Remember the 3 P’s: Make your website Personal ― let them know you are a real caring person. People do business with people. Make your site Professional ― don't have a website that looks cheap and slapped together or makes finding things difficult for your visitors. Lastly, provide Proof that you can do the job by offering up testimonials from past satisfied clients, pictures of jobs completed, and logos and certifications you've earned.
For a good example on how to use the power of testimonials, take a look at the left hand side of my home page by clicking on:
And to learn more about improving your online presence click on the picture of Leads King Bob Regnerushere.