This annually published book honors members of The Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association (ASCER), while fostering innovative designs inspired by featured collections.
The event will take place in Baltimore, Maryland on Wednesday-Thursday, October 25 - 26 at the Fishman Flooring Solutions facility located at 6301 E. Lombard Street Baltimore, MD 21224.
National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA) Trainers are bringing 30 free, standards-based workshops to 15 states, including multiple regional events and two art glass panel trainings.
For the new 2023-2024 season, Decocer proposes very unique sizes and geometries, volumetric or 3D pieces, floral decorations, very contemporary multi-format and modular systems, great contrasts between matt and glossy finishes, zelliges, shade variation colors, hydraulic or exotic blue flooring for pool application.
The new site is designed as a gateway for dealers, distributors, and contractors to set up and host their own installer training, as well as for installers who seek to improve their knowledge and skills.
High Point Market Authority (HPMA) announces this season’s design influencers who will report on home furnishings and design trends at High Point Market as they take over the trade show’s official Instagram page during Fall Market, Oct. 14 - 18.
The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) recently welcomed AHF Products, Mirage, Vintage Hardwood Flooring, and Preverco to the NWFA Engineered Refinishable Program, bringing the total number of participating companies to 23.