Recently, the government has been redefining the meaning of an independent contractor. Much has been written in the trade press and by the WFCA about the issue, the contents of which dealt with the rules that have been put into place with nary a word about why this came about, or more importantly, are these rules fair or what can be done about them?
A series of articles I wrote several years ago titled “Good Store, Bad Store!” stated that all successful stores do all the same things right, and all the less successful stores do all the same things wrong.
You know it is time to develop new interests when you’re on vacation and spend your time visiting flooring showrooms after 55 years in the business. Knowing as much or more than anyone in the industry about showroom design and layout, and having designed dozens of showrooms across the nation that actually helped the sales process, I’ve found the average retail showroom has shown little or no improvement since my entrance into the industry.
I’ve been writing for the trade press for nearly 30 years and never noticed during this time the most important element of selling is used in almost every human interaction.