It was estimated in 2010 there were between 11,000 and 12,000 establishments selling floor coverings in the U.S. That number, according to many experts, has contracted to an estimated 8,000 to 9,000 in 2015.
Let me start by wishing you and yours all the love and joy that family, friends, and our pets give us in the New Year. You know the truly important things in life.
A series of articles I wrote several years ago titled “Good Store, Bad Store!” stated that all successful stores do all the same things right, and all the less successful stores do all the same things wrong.
We asked retailers and contractors to share their hiring philosophy for their installation staff. Do they employ installers full-time or sub the work out?
Steve Weisberg has come a long way from his preteen days when his father would wake up to find him waiting in the car to go to work at his company, Crest Carpet Distributors.