Dal-Tile's new Industrial Park ColorBody Porcelain features StepWise, a solutions-based technology to meet evolving commercial industry standards, according to the company. The collection is being offered under the Daltile brand.
Surya employees collected more than 3,900 non-perishable food items during the company’s 4th annual food drive, which took place from Nov. 10 to 20. The donations were then delivered to the Chattanooga Area Food Bank, in Chattanooga, Tenn., which distributes food to residents of 20 counties throughout northwest Georgia and Tennessee.
Although the 17th Domotex asia/ChinaFloor (DACF) is not taking place until March 24 to 26, the number of international suppliers registered to participate already exceeds the figure for the previous event, according to show officials.
In step with its new catchphrase, "introducing a new company you've known for over 75 years," Compotite Corp. unveiled its new management team, products and programs at Total Solutions Plus in San Antonio.