Azusa, Calif.-based Virginia Hardwood, with five locations in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada, has recently relocated its San Diego office to 7666 Formula Place, Suite A & B, San Diego, CA. 92121.
Citing a renewed focus on its flooring and countertop surfacing businesses, Jaeckle Distributors has sold its hardware products division to Amerhart Ltd, a wholesale building materials distribution company headquartered in Green Bay, Wisc.
Kenneth C. Hover, Ph.D., P.E., has been named president of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) following the death of President Richard D. Stehly on Sept. 18.
The 2011 edition will consist
of six American journalists and the four Reign in Spain winners and coincides
with Cevisama, the International Ceramic
Tile and Bath Furnishings Show held in Valencia.
Beaulieu says it will be closing its Royston spun yarn
facility in Royston, GA, on November 26, while increasing production of softer
BCF products at other locations.
Bob Johnston, past president and
five-year board member, has been selected to serve as new executive director
for the organization, effective immediately.