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Shaw Announces Plans to Close Plant 14

May 18, 2016

Shaw Industries has announced plans to shift production from Plant 14 in Valley Head, Ala., into other facilities across Georgia and Alabama.

According to the company, this consolidation will impact 183 associates and will result in the closing of Plant 14. The consolidation process will begin this month, with operations ceasing in July.

The change aligns with the ongoing trend of consumer preference for products manufactured with filament yarn, instead of spun yarn. As Shaw continues to grow and innovate, it will continually adjust production to match market demands and to leverage investments in more advanced technology and high-demand product categories. 

“We want to thank the associates of Plant 14 for their years of service and passion to supply our customers with exceptional quality products,” said Al Scruggs, human resources director for Shaw’s manufacturing and distribution divisions. “As we engage in the consolidation process, jobs will be available at other Shaw facilities. Shaw’s Human Resources team will assist associates with internal job opportunities and provide out-placement options.”

For the past two years, Shaw has committed $600 million in capital investments to enhance its operations, including expanding U.S. operations in hardwood, resilient, carpet tile, extrusion, distribution and recycling. At full capacity, these expansions will create almost 1,000 jobs throughout the Southeast, according to the company.

For more information, visit shawfloors.com.




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