NWFA and Lägler Collaborate for Wood Flooring Sand and Finish Program
The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Certified Professionals and Lägler are working together to offer a dual-certification program for wood flooring sand and finishers.
This dual certification opportunity will enable sand and finishers to build their credibility in the marketplace by holding certifications from two highly recognized entities.
“As our certification programs become more and more prevalent in the marketplace, it only makes sense for us to join forces with the manufacturers who have training and certification programs that meet or exceed our standards,” said Brett Miller, vice president of education and certification at NWFA.
According to Miller, the adoption of this program will raise the visibility of the NWFA Certified Professional certification. More than 30 manufacturers recommend using NWFA certified professionals for their wood flooring products.
Lägler has been offering a training and certification program for several years that recently came to the U.S. Once students complete the Lägler (PST) program and become Lägler certified, they can become an NWFA certified sand and finisher as well.
For more information, visit nwfa.org.