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Inspect Solutions, Inc. Launches Flooring Inspection Services in the UK

October 31, 2015
Answering a demand for quality inspections throughout the United Kingdom, beginning Nov. 1, Inspect Solutions will begin providing laminate and vinyl flooring inspection services.  
Joe Guyette, director of special operations, will be spearheading the implementation of the program.
“Our manufacturing customers have been pressuring us to bring our inspection services to the overseas market for several years,” said Ronald Gould, president and CEO of Inspect Solutions. “We have decided to focus on the vinyl and laminate inspections since this is the bulk of inspections we are inspecting now. Our plans are to include carpet, hardwood, tile and more in the future.”
“A constant concern from our customers was that the inspectors in the U.K. are not trained in proper field testing methods, installation identification issues and improper care by the end-user,” Gould continued. “Manufacturers are requiring a uniform and standard data collection format along with a review and proofing system that we have been providing for over 12 years in the U.S. and Canada. Our unique Resolutions and Review Team not only reviews every report for accuracy, we provide inspectors with on-going technical and education information to help develop their skills and provide consistent on-the-job training.”
For more information, contact Joe Guyette at jguyette@inspectsolutions.com.