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Plans for Domotex Turkey 2016 Under Way

October 8, 2015

Domotex Turkey 2016 will take place May 23 through 26 in Gaziantep.

The event is organized by the Deutsche Messe subsidiary of Hannover Fairs Turkey, in cooperation with the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce (GTO), the Association of South Anatolian Carpet Exporters (GAIB) and the Gaziantep Chamber of Carpet Manufacturers (GHO). 

“This year, Domotex Turkey was able to convincingly reaffirm its reputation as the leading hub for manufacturers of machine-made carpets in Turkey and the Middle East,” said a show representative. “A total of 198 companies exhibited their products. The large number of participants from outside the host country was particularly impressive: 33 of the 198 exhibitors came from Bangladesh, Belgium, China, Germany, France, India, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan. All exhibitors were eager to access new markets and impress the 8,734 trade visitors from the target markets of Turkey and the Middle East with their original designs and novel collections.”

For more information, visit domotexturkey.com/en.