
Registration Now Open for NALFA Installer and Inspector Certification Classes

June 10, 2015

The North American Laminate Flooring Association (NALFA) has opened registration for the 2015 Advanced Laminate Installer Certification class and the Inspector Certification class.

According to the association, the specialized courses offer numerous benefits to installers and inspectors including higher income and increased business exposure.

Taught by Anthony Palandro, the installer class will include a hands-on installation. The installation, which will serve as a test for certification, will include installing with obstacles, molding and stairs, testing for flatness and moisture and plank replacement.

The inspector certification class, which will be taught by Ron Starkey, will include hands-on training, knowledge of laminate flooring, installation requirements, inspection tools and standards, product defect review and certification testing and evaluation.

NALFA installer and inspector class dates and locations:

  • July 9 Installation—Ringgold, Ga.
  • July 10 Inspector Class—Ringgold, Ga.
  • October 22 Installation Class—Salem, N.J.
  • October 23 Inspector Class—Salem, N.J.
Each class is $350 per person, or $300 per class if you sign up to attend both sessions at the same location. The classes are available for World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) scholarship funds.
To register, download and complete the registration form at nalfa.com.