Registration Opens for ISSA/Interclean; Speakers, Seminars Announced
Registration is now open for ISSA/Interclean North America and the ISSA convention seminars, which will take place Oct. 20 to 23 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
This year’s show will feature new outdoor exhibits, where some of the exhibition’s 700-plus exhibitors from more than 30 countries will showcase their products and services.
Secrets of Flawless Execution—A global team of real fighter pilots, Afterburner will reveal how to be in full fighting form every day.
Funny Business: A Private Performance with Jay Leno—The famous comedian and talk show host will share his unique brand of everyday observations and business insights.
ISSA Excellence Luncheon featuring Kevin O'Leary: How You Can Be a Successful Entrepreneur at Everything You Do—The investor and host of "Shark Tank" will disclose what it takes to be successful in today's volatile economy—no matter if you’re the CEO or the frontline employee—plus provide lessons gleaned from his popular TV show.