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NWFA Announces 2015 Technical Education Schedule

December 17, 2014
nwfca training 2015
NWFA's 2015 technical education schedule includes new workshop topics and locations.

The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has announced its 2015 technical education schedule, including new workshop topics and locations. The organization also has welcomed 39 Partners in Education program members.

“NWFA and its partners succeeded in 2014 in more than doubling attendance at its training events,” said Brett Miller, NWFA's vice president of education and certification. “We are excited to continue growing the educational opportunities we offer professionals of all backgrounds in the industry. We project a significant increase in attendance again in the coming year, and plan to conduct close to one million hours of instruction.” 
Joining the progressive-skill schools that range from the principles of wood flooring to master craftsman training, are new offerings such as the father/youth class, concrete preparation for installation and retail sales certification training and testing. 
One-day educational workshops and four-day skill level schools will be offered in 14 cities from coast-to-coast. NWFA headquarters in St. Louis, E.J. Welch Co. in Chicago, and Chattahoochee Technical College in Marietta, Ga., will serve as training centers. NWFA distributor members will host the remaining workshops in locations throughout the U.S. for convenience to students.
The Partners in Education are essential for the success of NWFA’s training programs, according to the association. They provide additional expertise as instructors invest time and donate materials. Of the 39 participating manufacturers in the program, seven are designated as Premium Partners. They are: 3M, AdvanTech, Bona US, Bostik, MAPEI Corp., Somerset Wood Products and Weyerhaeuser Co..
The full list of workshops and locations is available at nwfa.org/tech-ed-schedule.aspx.