Natural Coatings

Vermont Natural Coatings Grows in Flooring Market

October 1, 2013
E.C.F. Supply, which serves flooring contractors and homeowners throughout the region, has begun stocking the full line of Vermont Natural Coatings PolyWhey Professional Floor Finishes. Vermont Natural Coatings manufactures high performance naturally derived whey-based wood finishes in Hardwick, Vermont and is enjoying growth in the professional flooring market with its line of PolyWhey 3500 and MVP Sport Floor finishes and sealers.

Vermont Natural Coatings’ patented PolyWhey technology has emerged as a new category of wood finish that performs like solvent-based finish, applies with the ease of water borne without the negative qualities associated with each. PolyWhey displaces toxic components traditionally found in wood finishes with whey protein, a byproduct of cheese making.

“We’re tremendously pleased to be partnering with E.C.F,” said David Dillon, director of sales and marketing for Vermont Natural Coatings. “Our professional flooring specialist Bob Goldstein (CWFI,CI, CSF) holds E.C.F. in the highest regard as does the professional flooring community throughout Florida.”

 E.C.F. is located at 7601 N.W. 50th Street in Miami and can be reached at 305-477-0084.