
NAHB Publication Offers Inside Look into the Financial Records of Remodelers

February 13, 2013

Remodelers now have a unique opportunity to see how their business stacks up against the competition with a new publication from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). NAHB's publishing arm, BuilderBooks, recently released the 2012 edition of the Remodelers' Cost of Doing Business Study, a national study of remodelers' business practices and financial performance.

The study provides remodelers the opportunity to evaluate their financial performance compared with the industry as a whole and with remodelers of similar type and size. This new resource gives remodelers an inside look at other remodelers' financial books by providing data about profitability, cost of sales and expenses. The study was conducted by NAHB's Economics and Housing Policy Group in 2012.

The Remodelers' Cost of Doing Business Study contains a wealth of data and analysis to help remodelers boost profitability, increase efficiency, set realistic budget targets and improve upon their business practices. Several categories are analyzed in the survey making it easy for remodelers to compare their performance against the data.

"This updated resource offers a great chance for remodelers to learn from their colleagues in the industry," said NAHB Remodelers Chairman Bill Shaw, GMR, GMB, CGP, a remodeler from Houston. "The study includes a wealth of data on operating costs, profits, sales and much more, giving remodelers an opportunity to see how their own business compares."

Readers can see how they measure up against industry-wide averages in areas including:

- Gross margin and net profit

- Cost of goods sold

- Operating expenses 

- Financial ratios

On Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm EST, NAHB Remodelers will host a webinar to discuss the findings of the survey and how remodelers can use them to gauge the health of their operations. For more information or to register, visit http://www.nahb.org/meeting_details.aspx?meetingID=25434.

The Remodelers' Cost of Doing Business Study, 2012 Edition is available only as an e-Book at ebooks.builderbooks.com for $89.99 Retail or $59.99 for NAHB Members.