
Anderson introduces Pinterest experience

July 2, 2012

Anderson Hardwood Floors, a flooring manufacturer and subsidiary of Shaw Industries Group, Inc., announced today the launch of its Pinterest account, Anderson Floors. The Anderson Floors Pinterest experience encompasses nine boards of various industry related and life style topics, including: “Wood You Be Mine,” “Roots Run Deep,” “Fashion & Floors,” “Made in the USA,” “Think Green Act Green,” “Tough Stuff,” “On the Coast,” “Tricks of the Trade” and “Text Me.”

The new Pinterest boards further Anderson’s commitment to creating inspiring and interactive social media experiences for Anderson’s loyal customer base, stated the company. Anderson’s social media platform has been growing since 2010 when it established the Anderson Hardwood Floors Facebook page as well as @AndersonFloors on Twitter since 2009. Along with AndersonFloors.com, these sites serve as unique digital consumer interfaces boasting promotions, product introductions and industry knowledge. 

As one of the newest social media platforms, Pinterest serves as a visual pin board for users. The Anderson team has included the interactive Pinterest pin-it buttons alongside product hosted on www.andersonfloors.com, allowing visitors to easily add Anderson information and photos of Anderson’s hardwood floors to their personal Pinterest boards.

As stated in Pinterest’s mission, “Our goal is to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting. We think that a favorite book, toy, or recipe can reveal a common link between two people. With millions of new pins added every week, Pinterest is connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.”

“The great thing about Pinterest is its visual nature. In viewing our boards, consumers can begin to see Anderson’s visual vocabulary and really get some insight as to how we brainstorm and develop product,” said Mollie Surratt, Anderson Hardwood’s director of marketing. Anderson’s Research and Development team regularly consults designers to receive product feedback and holds a Designer Visions summit to gather inspiration and ideas. Results of these endeavors can now be viewed on Pinterest through boards like Fashion & Floors or Text Me (textiles). Users can “re-pin,” “like,” and “comment” on any of the content displayed, building networks of common interest and connecting with Anderson Hardwood Floors. 

With frequent updates and a constant flow of flooring ‘pinspiration,’ Anderson Floors’ Pinterest experience serves as the newest addition to the Anderson interactive marketing and social media mix. For further information or to join the Pinterest community, visit www.pinterest.com