
FIANA schedules 18th annual convention & trade show

June 27, 2012

The 18th annual FIANA convention & trade show is scheduled for September 12-13-14, 2012, at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress in Orlando, Florida. The convention will offer to the members attending, excellent opportunities for educational networking during the round table sessions. Subjects will include; Training Branch Personnel, Blue Print for Branch operations, and Current Trends in Credit & Collections.

A great line up of speakers is planned, with Gene Marks presenting; “In God We Trust, Everyone Else Pays Cash”. How winning companies are meeting the challenges of today’s economy, political environment, and technological changes. Tom Jennings, past chairman; of the WFCA will discuss; “Selling More Than The Floor”, and Mike Marks, returning this year, will summarize with, “New Pathways To Growth”.

The Trade Show session opens Thursday the 13th at 1:00 pm with manufactures exhibiting new products, new marketing strategies, and open for time for one on one networking with distributor members. The Trade Show will open again Friday morning, the 14th, and end at noon.

For further information contact; Gary Verhey at: gary.verhey@fiana.org




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