
Instant Stock Check featured in new QFloors product

December 20, 2011

QFloors will be demonstrating Instant Stock Check, one of many new features of QFloors 6.0, at Surfaces 2012 in Las Vegas. The feature allows a person filling out a customer invoice to click on a product and instantly check availability from the manufacturer.

QFloors President/CEO Chad Ogden noted, “Traditionally, if you needed to check on availability, you would have to either call the manufacturer or distributor on the phone, or possibly (if the supplier has that technology) go to their website, search for the right product, and check how much is in the warehouse. Now at the click of a mouse, you can instantly know what is available.  This information is available 24/7 from anywhere – your computer, your laptop, your smart phone, your notebook or iPad.”

This B2B function is an industry-wide effort, and QFloors is the first company to offer it to customers. However, manufacturers are currently finishing up on their end, so full usage is dependent upon their completion date and will vary by company.