
New Mer-Krete 7d10 Dust-Less Thin-Set Is the Freshest Idea in Mortar Technology

November 16, 2007


The next time flooring installers rub their eyes, it won’t be because of the dusty working conditions. It will be because they can hardly believe what they’re seeing…a clear alternative to the messy thin-set mortars of the past. That’s because Mer-Krete Systems, a division of ParexLaHabra, has introduced its new 7d10 Dust-Less Thin-Set Mortar, the answer for today’s tile and stone installations that demand a more efficient and environmentally responsible approach.

Regulatory agencies, environmental organizations and other industry groups concerned with maintaining a quality work atmosphere have helped to bring on-the-job health concerns into sharper focus. In return, companies such as Mer-Krete have taken these efforts a step further in developing technology that also emphasizes product quality and job performance. The company’s new 7d10 Dust-Less Thin-Set is specially formulated to improve air quality, create healthier working conditions, reduce mess and provide faster cleanup, ultimately lowering the installer’s overall cost.

Emitting 80% less dust than ordinary thin-sets, new 7d10 mixes just like traditional mortars, without any extra effort or special steps required. It spreads more easily and evenly, providing great workability, while also curing quickly with excellent bonding strength. No longer do installers and others at the job site have to worry about large dust plumes or heavy residue left on clothing and equipment.

“This product is truly a breath of fresh air,” says Tim McDonald, Vice President of ParexLahabra, Mer-Krete brands. “It represents a concerted program within our company to supply products that meet the demands of green builders and others looking for outstanding quality with a more ecologically acceptable carbon footprint.”

Mer-Krete 7d10 Dust-Less Thin-Set is ideal for installers working in a closed office environment or in a mall-type setting with a high density of retail stores and customers nearby. No longer are there significant amounts of construction dust that, in the past, might cause others within close range to temporarily shut down their operations. Just as importantly, by eliminating most of the airborne dust that can settle and negatively impact the finish of a newly mortared surface and its drying process, installers can now charge more for a better quality product.

Meeting recognized ANSI standards, including ANSI A-118.4 and A-118.11, Mer-Krete’s new 7d10 is also designed to meet tougher guidelines being set by organizations such as OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These groups are increasing their efforts to maintain better air quality at job site locations, and they are taking steps to ensure adherence to standards. OSHA, in fact, sets maximum limits as to the amount of dust particulates that it deems safe to breathe. Companies using environmentally friendly products can often earn LEED credits, making this new “dust-less” approach even more attractive.

Available in both gray and white, new Mer-Krete 7d10 Dust-Less Thin-Set leaves everything else in the dust. It’s the latest example of Mer-Krete’s industry-leading technology and solid commitment to quality products that are good for the environment, good for your business.

For more information visit www.merkrete.com