Halcon’s Silex porcelain engineered for exteriors
September 9, 2003
Halcon’s Silex porcelain engineered for exteriors

Halcon Ceramicas recently launched the Silex Series, one of its latest additions to the Attom porcelain line. Silex imitates the look of natural stone and is specifically designed for exterior installations.

Halcon's Silex Series tile
Halcon Ceramicas recently launched the Silex Series, one of its latest additions to the Attom porcelain line. Silex imitates the look of natural stone and is specifically designed for exterior installations.
Available in five colors, Silex is produced in 12-by-12-, 6-by-6-, and 2-by-2-inch formats. The series is available with a cenefa, a taco, stair steps, and skirtings. Silex features rich shade variation and diverse textures, according to Halcon.