CCA Global Partners' golf tourney raises $120,000 in support of FCIF
Last year, more than 150 flooring industry leaders attended the buying group's inaugural tournament and CCA Global raised in excess of $100,000 for the FCIF's endowment fund. This year, with the participation of mare than 165 golfers and guests, CCA Global was able to raise $120,000 to support the FCIF.
"We had a wonderful turnout this year," said Alan Greenberg, Co-CEO of CCA Global Partners. "Our goal was to make this year's tournament even more successful than last year's and I think we definitely accomplished that goal. We're all pleased to be able to support this worthwhile organization."
The FCIF was created more than 20 years ago to focus industry attention on the health, human service and welfare needs of floor covering industry members in times of life-altering medical hardships. Since its founding, the FCIF has distributed more than $1.5 million in grants with compassion, confidentiality and dignity. Beneficiaries include flooring retailers, installers, retail salespeople, distributor personnel, mill employees, and industry executives.