
Surfaces to offer free how-to sessions
at Installation Showcase, Feb. 1-3

October 17, 2005
Surfaces will once again include an Installation Showcase aimed at providing time-saving and quality-enhancing techniques from leading installation experts. The showcase is set to run for seven hours each day of the Feb. 1-3 meeting and will include all types of flooring including carpet, tile, stone, resilient, hardwood, laminate and mixed media. It is sponsored by Laticrete and is being produced in conjunction with International Certified Floorcovering Installers Assoc. (CFI), and the World Floor Covering Assoc. (WFCA), Floor Covering Installer and National Floor Trends magazines.

The Installation Showcase sessions will take place on the show floor at the Sands Expo & Convention Center. The titles and times for each session as as follows. For complete descriptions of the demonstrations, visit www.Surfaces.com.

Wednesday, February 1
Hardwood Floors-A World of Color
11am- Noon
Presented By: Steve Marley, Cal Coast Hardwood Flooring

The New Resilient
2:00 - 3:00pm
Presented By: Frank Wiggins, Forbo

Thursday, February 2
Moisture & Self-Leveling Compounds for Concrete
10:00am - 11:00am
Presented By: Peter Craig, Independent Contractor

Installing Large-Format Ceramic Tiles
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Presented By: Dave Gobis, Ceramic Tile Education Foundation

Bordering On Carpet
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Presented By: Jim Walker, International Certified Floorcovering Installers Association (CFI)

Friday, February 3
Installing & Maintaining Natural Stone
10:00am - 11:00am
Presented By: Bob Perry, Rich Crawford, Scott Conwell, International Masonry Institute

Recoating Pre-Finished Hardwood Floors
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Presented By: Steve Marley, Cal Coast Hardwood Flooring

The Installation Showcase at Surfaces just keeps getting better," says Jim Walker, CEO of CFI. "Everyone should attend the sessions that directly relate to them and not miss an opportunity to enhance their knowledge of product and installation techniques. The educational format introduces the audience to the latest information and to someone with which they can discuss specific situations."