
Armstrong announces price increase on selected hardwood flooring products

April 8, 2004
Armstrong announced that it will initiate an average 7 to 8 percent price increase on selected solid hardwood products within its Bruce, Hartco and Robbins brands effective with shipments on May 7, 2004.

The announcement impacts solid products only. At this time, there is no announced increase on engineered products. There will not be an increase on several popular lines, including Bruce Liberty Plains, Birchall Plank and Strip, and Asian Beech; Hartco Valenza Collection (solid), Northbrook Strip and Plank, and Verdone Plank; and Robbins Canadian Maple, Legno Lavorato and Legno Vetusto.

In addition, Armstrong recently announced a price decrease on its most popular engineered builder products, Bruce Turlington Plank 3" and Hartco Beckford Plank 3" hardwood floors.

Armstrong cited ongoing extraordinary increases in lumber costs during the past year as the reason for the increase.