West Coast Competitors

Seven flooring installers competed in either the LVP or carpet category for a chance at the National Installer of the Year title, which will take place during The International Surface Event (TISE) in Las Vegas. Photo: Informa/TISE.

TISE Announces 2023 Installation Competition Winners

November 13, 2023

After four regional competitions across the United States, The International Surface Event (TISE): Surfaces | StonExpo | TileExpo and the International Certified Flooring Installers (CFI) announce and congratulate the eight regional finalists who have qualified to the National Competition in Las Vegas. 

The competition will be held live at TISE 2024 in Las Vegas, January 24 – 26. Register here for tickets. Plus, make sure you pick up a limited-edition National Competitor Trading Card while supplies last at the competition area and plan to attend the awards ceremony on Friday, January 26 in the exhibit hall.

Each winner will receive a trip to Las Vegas to TISE 2024, a plaque, and an additional $200 prize. Plus, the 2024 National Installer of the Year winners in Las Vegas for each category will receive a championship heavyweight belt, a $2,500 grand prize, and the priceless opportunity to call themselves the National Installer of the Year.

2024 National Competition Finalists

Indiana: Diego Alviso (Carpet) and Crystal Marie Sims (LVP)

California: Hugo Gutierrez (Carpet) and Hasan Basic (LVP)

Texas: Zachary Stacy (Carpet) and Roy Lewis (LVP)

Maryland: James Ghanim (Carpet) and Edward Mark Kinzer (LVP)