CTEF Tile Tip_FCI English

During an ACT test, an installer uses a straightedge to see if the surface is flat enough to accept tile.

CTEF Tile Tip: Installing Large, Thin Tiles: Is the Surface Flat Enough?

June 8, 2015
It goes without saying that tile sizes are increasing. Large-format tile (LFT) has grown from the old 8” x 8” to 12” x 12”, 24” x 24” and beyond. The new thin porcelain tile (TPT) can be 1 meter x 3 meters (roughly 39” x 10’) up to 1 1/2 meters x 3 meters (almost 5’ x 10’). Larger-sized tiles are here to stay and installers need to provide (and get paid for ensuring) a surface that will allow these products to be installed without lippage, or at least within the allowable tolerances provided in the ANSI documents.

ANSI A108.02- states in part: “For tiles with at least one edge 15” or longer, the maximum allowable variation is not more than 1/8” in 10’ and no more than 1/16” in 2’ from the required plane, when measured from the high points in the surface.”

Determining the condition of the floor or wall is relatively easy by using a 10’ straightedge. Simply marking the substrate with some method such as circling the low spots and placing an X on the high spots quickly shows where work is needed to meet the ANSI specification. Using a combination of cementitious patching compound (either trowel-applied or self-leveling) to fill the low spots and grinding down the high spots normally will provide a surface that will be suitable for installing tile within the prescribed tolerances. By the way, thin-set or large and heavy tile (formerly medium-bed) mortars should NEVER be used to flatten the surface.

As seen in the attached photo taken during a recent Advanced Certifications for Tile Installers (ACT) test, the installer is using a long straightedge to determine if the trowel-applied patch is flat enough to receive a 12” x 24” porcelain tile with a 1/8” grout joint to be within the lippage requirements. Realize the allowable lippage for this tile installation under ANSI Specification A108.02- 4.3.7 is just 1/32”.

Before starting your next job, look at the surface that is to receive tile and understand what it will take to make it flat enough to install the tile. Requesting a change order before the job starts increases you chances of getting paid for the quality work provided. Attempting to “fix” the floor or wall surface as you go with thin-set mortar will almost always result in an unsatisfactory finished product. Do your customer, and yourself, a favor. Do it right…the first time.