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Job Openings Fall to Lowest Since March 2021

August 29, 2023

U.S. job openings have fallen to 8.8 million last month, the lowest in more than two years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (.

Job openings fell to 8.827 million in July, from 9.165 million in June, according to the BLS’ Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey report. There are now 1.5 available jobs for every unemployed person. The number of hires and total separations changed little at 5.8 million and 5.5 million, respectively. There has been a decrease in workers who quit their jobs. Within separations, quits (3.5 million) decreased, while layoffs and discharges (1.6 million) changed little.

While the general average of job openings decreased, openings increased in information (+101,000) and in transportation, warehousing, and utilities (+75,000). There was no rate of change in retail job openings over the month, but there has been an increase in both hires and separations.




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